Consistency is key for successful weight loss. Consistency Delivers Results: Achieving Success with Strong Habits
Consistency and strong habits are the keys to unlocking success, whether it’s about losing
weight, getting fitter, or achieving any goal we strive for. While it might feel monotonous or
overwhelming at times, staying consistent is what yields the results we desire.
You’ve probably experienced moments where you were on track for a few days or even
weeks, feeling like you had it all figured out, only to face a challenging day that seemingly
derails everything. Unfortunately, this can lead to a chain reaction, eventually bringing back
your old lifestyle.
However, it’s essential to recognise that occasional variations in your routine, like eating
differently or enjoying drinks at a party, won’t sabotage your health plan. The real key lies in
the consistency of your actions on most days—the majority of days in your week or
month—where you need to show up, stick to your curated routine, and live the lifestyle you
desire. Listen to our episode on routine and building mindful habits here.
So, how do we maintain this consistency?
Firstly, avoid fixating solely on the end goal. Overly rigid boundaries can be discouraging and
lead to inflexibility. Find a balance that works for you and set realistic goals and choices. If
waking up at 5 am three times a week for exercise is unlikely due to not being a morning
person, consider alternatives like a 20-minute walk during lunch or a workout from a
YouTube class after work.
Similarly, plan your meals wisely. If mealtimes are often rushed, prepping or batch cooking
in advance can ensure you have healthy and easy options readily available at home,
reducing the temptation of ordering takeout or indulging in junk food.
Additionally, prioritise getting enough sleep. Sticking to your routine and maintaining
consistency becomes much easier when you’re well-rested and energised.
If you happen to have a day or moment where your decisions don’t align with your ultimate
goal, don’t dwell on it. Be consistent in realigning your mindset and continue with your plan
and routine. One slip-up won’t undo all the progress you’ve made so far.
Above all, choose foods, methods, and routines that you genuinely enjoy. This is a lifestyle
change, not a short-term program, and finding pleasure in what you’re doing is crucial for
sustaining consistency. While small sacrifices might be necessary, it doesn’t mean forsaking
all enjoyment.
Remember, life is too short to hate your everyday. Make progress towards your goals while
finding joy in the journey. By cultivating consistency and embracing the changes you make,
you’ll discover a fulfilling and sustainable path to success.