How to Lose Weight Eating Foods You Love: Losing weight can seem daunting, especially when faced with the idea of giving up beloved foods. However, it’s possible to embark on a successful weight loss journey without deprivation. In this episode, we’re joined by Benji Xavierr, who lost 100lbs in just over a year by combining personal experience with research to adopt a balanced diet that didn’t eliminate any food groups. His journey underscores that while weight loss isn’t easy and there are no quick fixes, there are strategies to support your progress.

One key strategy is meal preparation and batch cooking. By planning and preparing nutritious, calorie-controlled meals in advance, you can avoid turning to fast food during busy or uninspired moments, which often pack on extra calories, salt, and sugar.

While there’s no need to cut out entire food groups, making mindful choices can propel you forward. Opt for healthier alternatives like baked potatoes over fries and pasta can be enjoyed in smaller quantities but if you are looking for a filling alternative sometimes try squash spaghetti giving you a higher volume meal. Try this recipe for Spaghetti Squash with Rosemary Browned Butter.

Managing expectations and maintaining consistency are crucial. Understand that the process takes time and commit to making healthier food choices a routine part of your grocery shopping. Eliminate tempting, high-sugar snacks from your home environment to reduce temptation.

Exercise is also important, but it’s essential to find what works for you, especially if you’re starting from a point of being very overweight. Begin with shorter, less intense workouts and gradually increase intensity as you build fitness. Educate yourself on exercise techniques to maximise effectiveness and give you confidence in the gym. Increasing what you do will come soon enough and you will find yourself fitter than you could imagine.

Tracking your calorie intake is another valuable tool. Adjust your portions as you progress to align with your body’s changing needs. Learning about your body’s cues and responses will help you make informed decisions about your diet.

Ultimately, achieving weight loss while still enjoying your favourite foods requires commitment, patience, and consistency. While it’s not easy or quick, it is possible—as demonstrated by Benji’s inspiring journey. Thank you, Benji, for sharing your story, advice, and delicious recipes.